You may or may not be a skilled driver who can drive any vehicle with ease. So you know in a normal way. In the event of an ordinary accident, it is possible to escape with minor damage. But today in this article I am going to present you the top 10 list of roads that are dangerous enough to lose your life due to one small mistake and face many natural disasters. So let's go to the article....
1. The road from Patiopoulo to Perdikaki ( Greece )
This is indeed a very dangerous path. Because this is in a hilly environment. Also, this is a very narrow road. There are potholes and small stones on this road. Because of those potholes, most of the traffic passing here faces serious difficulties. Besides, the most special thing here is that the soil on this road is a type of clay soil. That is why the vehicles traveling here have to face very harsh experiences during the rainy season. Also, during the rainy season, the environment is very cold, so the danger here increases significantly, and the number of accidents that happened here in the past has increased because of this. So, if you are a novice who wants to have a thrilling experience, this is the best way for it
2. The road from Killar to Kishtwar ( India )
Located in the Jammu and Kashmir region of India, this road is one of the most difficult and dangerous roads to travel in the world. Located in a mountainous environment, this road is 114 km long. According to the information reported, this road is about 100 years old. This road is used only by people who want to experience the thrill and is not used for any other important work.
Other factors also contribute to the increased danger of this narrow road. That is, the soil on this road is very light and there are black stones above the road in many places. Also, no vehicle traffic can be carried out on this road during this period. So people travel on this road only during summer. Likewise, you cannot see any kind of handrail in this road and if you happen to drive off the road, you will stop at the foot of a cliff of about 760 meters.
If you also want to have such a deadly experience, you can try a two-day trip on this route.
3. Zohila Pass ( India )
India is a country of many moons, so many dangerous routes can be found along such mountains. This is one such way. Located in the region of Jammu and Kashmir, this road is a very narrow road at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level. It is also known as the second-highest road in the world.
Also, very dangerous sand storms occur along this road. Also, due to the slippery road and large herds of cattle crossing the road, the drivers travelling here have to stand still for hours on this road. You have the opportunity to reach your death by a mistake or a minor mistake you make in this way.
So, if you are a driver who loves to drive on dangerous roads, try this road too.
4. The way of death ( Bolivia )
This road, known as the road of death in Bolivia, can be considered a road that must be included in almost any list of dangerous roads because, like other roads, this road is very narrow. And because there is a big cliff on one side and a mountain on the other side with the risk of rock pieces falling down, because this road is located on both sides. And because of the narrowness here, it is difficult to even transfer between two vehicles.
Also, severe freezing conditions and rainy weather conditions double the number of accidents on this road. According to reports, 200-300 people lose their lives every year while using this road.
5. Atlantic Way ( Norway )
Known as one of the most beautiful roads in the world, this famous road is located in Norway. This road, which is made by connecting a group of small islands, is approximately 8 km long. According to those who have used it, this road is beautiful and very dangerous.
Because in times of stormy conditions, the big waves that occur in the sea also travel through this route. There is also a possibility of vehicles travelling here being swept away by being caught by such waves. So, because of that fact, he has included this road as one of the most dangerous roads in the world.
So, if you get to participate in this kind of way, comment how it would be. Thank you for joining us.
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